这个家庭维修的OpenCart模板是为在线瓷砖和石材商店开发的. 深色石材纹理的背景与主题极为相关. 大高清滑块图像广告最好...
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寻找一种方法来建立一个赚钱的网上商店? 不知道从什么开始? 我们已经为你准备好了, 为许多电子商务引擎(如Magento)提供专业的电子商务主题, PrestaShop, VirtueMart, Zen Cart, OpenCart, etc.

每个模板都结合了最好的外观和功能! 你会喜欢的外观和感觉的每一个项目圆滑和深思熟虑的配色方案, 以及高质量的高级库存照片可供终身使用. 购物车设计变化,用户友好的导航,全站搜索选项 & filters, 信息丰富的产品描述页面, 和其他功能肯定使我们的电子商务主题脱颖而出的竞争对手.

牢记客户的业务需求, 我们已经使所有的主题跨浏览器兼容和搜索引擎友好. Furthermore, people will always find your resource in all major search engines and contact you without additional effort!

One more reason to choose the offered pre-made online store designs is the free 24/7 lifetime support provided with them! 合格的技术支持专家一天24小时工作, seven days a week, 及时解决任何问题!

Select professional eCommerce templates 今天促进销售,使您的在线商店在网络上爆炸!


WordPress Ecommerce Themes

MotoCMS Ecommerce Themes


Magento Themes

Magento Templates are designs produced for use with the Magento eCommerce platform – a highly efficient open-source eCommerce engine.

View all Magento Themes

PrestaShop Themes

Running your shop online has never been that easy as with PrestaShop Templates you get from Templateog体育首页. We provide PrestaShop online store designs that will let you create an eCommerce environment everyone’s going to like. 只需添加您的产品范围,就可以开始接受订单了!

View all PrestaShop Themes

OpenCart Templates

许多在线商家尚未采取措施在任何方面改善他们的电子商务业务, 更多的是解决他们的网络商店的视觉外观. 我们在这里帮助您进行专业的网站检修. 使用简单直观的OpenCart模板建立稳定的在线业务!


WooCommerce Themes

WooCommerce主题是你未来基于wordpress的网络商店的时髦设计. These themes internally use the WooCommerce plugin, which is simple to manage and easy to start with. 现在可以看到WooCommerce模板的选择, 你可以过滤你想要的选择. 然后选择一个设计,并添加到你的电子商店的活力.


MotoCMS 3电子商务模板

如果你想自己建一个eStore, you won’t find an easier solution because MotoCMS 3 eCommerce templates are equipped with a simple drag-and-drop editor. 您可以尝试设计并添加所需的功能. You may integrate Yotpo reviews into your store to boost your business credibility; you can easily manage the orders and customers and get all the statistics. In addition, MotoCMS allows you to save your hard drive space so far as it requires only 64 M to install your website.

查看所有MotoCMS 3电子商务模板

Shopify Themes

如果你想为你的企业提供一个开箱即用的电子商务解决方案, Shopify主题是一个更好的选择. 在安装Shopify后,您可以使用任何Shopify模板托管网络商店. 这是建立使它非常简单的创建和自定义您的网站设计的各个方面.

View all Shopify Themes

Zen Cart Templates

模板怪物很高兴向您介绍我们最新更新的禅车模板产品线. We have added newly designed Zen Templates to meet the improved abilities and standards of the new Zen version just released.


VirtueMart Templates

VirtueMart Templates are design themes produced for VirtueMart – an extremely popular Joomla-based eCommerce engine.



在为你的电子商务网站选择模板时, 您需要确保它们提供一些重要的功能. 这些因素的存在与否将决定你事业的成败. 这种肯定会让你想象他们有多重要.


Optimized for mobile

As you may already know, 通过移动设备访问网络的用户数量正在滚雪球般增长. The mobile responsiveness allows the users to see and interact with your content clearly and smoothly. 如果不是这样,他们可能会生气,然后马上离开.

这个功能对谷歌来说也非常重要,因为它是排名因素之一. This means it prioritizes those websites that are responsive, conferring more exposure and relevance.

Easy to navigate

不管内容有多少,网站都应该易于浏览. 因此,你的网站需要有所有的选择(e.g.,菜单),允许用户探索和发现任何地点. 换句话说,用户应该能够快速方便地访问他们想要的内容.

In-site search

One of the most important features that shouldn’t miss on an eCommerce website is the in-site search option. Users should make their product research straight to the point and get only the results they may be interested in. If not available, they would be forced to scroll through all the products before getting to what they’re looking for, 哪一个会让人讨厌,让他们离开.


A good eCommerce website should offer a wide range of payment options and let you pay with your favorite one. This is a vital feature since it can ultimately decide whether or not a user proceeds with the purchase of the product. 因此,请确保至少包含最流行的付款方式.


An eCommerce deals with transactions during which there is an exchange of personal and financial information. You have to invest in a secure eCommerce platform equipped with advanced and modern security features in such a case.


Some benefits drive people to buy eCommerce templates rather than creating the website from scratch. 这些好处与功能、经济和外观方面有关.



从头开始开发一个网站通常比实现一个模板需要更多的时间. This is why, 如果你需要尽快启动你的在线业务, 后者将是您的最佳解决方案.


你可能已经想到了, 雇用开发人员可能比购买和集成模板更昂贵. 这对预算有限的小型企业尤其有利, 谁负担不起这样的费用. 相反,大多数电子商务模板的价格都低于100美元.

Free support

此外,你在网上遇到的大多数网站模板都提供免费支持. This means there is a team ready to answer and help you with any issue you may encounter during the implementation or use of their product. 这样,你就节省了自己解决问题的时间.


大多数可用的在线模板已经针对移动设备进行了优化,并且完全响应. 因此,您不需要手动操作,因为手动操作可能需要技术知识和经验. Having a fully responsive website will allow you to improve and offer a better user experience to your visitors, 他们会更愿意花更多的时间与你的网上商店互动. 他们在你的网站上花费的时间越多,你的网站就越有相关性.


Ready-to-use templates enable you to get a professional design and a fully working online store with no development skills required. 但是,您可能决定编辑一些元素或细节. In such a case, 您可以通过使用拖放工具轻松地做到这一点, 哪些是专门为初学者或没有编程经验的人设计的.

3rd app integrations

The majority of the ready-made templates you'll find online are accompanied by 3rd app integrations or are compatible with them. 这些应用程序将允许您改进业务的功能和服务. 是否要跟踪网站访问者, add social media buttons, 整合电子邮件营销系统, add contact forms, pop-ups, customer surveys, and much more.


如果您需要多个模板,请订阅 og体育首页ONE 计划可能是一个更好的解决方案,为您和您的业务. 它将允许您访问和下载无限的电子商务 website templates 还有许多其他由世界各地的专家设计的数字图形.



如果你是一个没有任何技术经验的初学者, Shopify 对你来说可能是更好的解决办法. Instead, 如果你想拥有一个提供最多定制的平台, prestshop将是一个更合适的选择.

Is WooCommerce free?

WooCommerce itself is free. However, 您可能需要为主题支付额外费用, plugins, extensions, and developer fees.


尽管WordPress并不专注于电子商务, 它的功能插件,帮助您建立和运行一个在线商店正确和成功.



  • 转到主题库部分;
  • click on Upload theme;
  • 选择要上传的文件;
  • upload the file.



  • 去你的Shopify管理,然后点击应用程序,然后商店导入器;
  • 在导入您的数据到Shopify页面,选择WooCommerce;
  • 单击添加文件并选择导出的文件;
  • 选择WooCommerce XML文件;
  • 单击“继续导入”,然后单击“导入”.